401A Retirement | $59,722 | $48,557 | 81% | | | |
457 Plan Matching Expense | $144 | $161 | 112% | | | |
Abatement interest | $500 | | | | | |
Advertising and Legal Publications Services | $11,000 | $19,590 | 178% | | | |
Bank Fees | $2,500 | $3,149 | 126% | | | |
Books and periodicals | $1,300 | $1,531 | 118% | | | |
Business Trips & Meetings | $11,000 | $2,649 | 24% | | | |
Compensation for damages | $1,000 | | | | | |
Computer Licenses | $912 | $0 | 0% | | | |
Custom Printed Form Services | $12,000 | $9,266 | 77% | | | |
Employee Tuition and Training | $2,400 | $668 | 28% | | | |
Fees-Treasurer Advert, delinquent tax | | | | $5,000 | $248 | 5% |
Fees-Treasurer Authentication | | | | $300 | $580 | 193% |
Fees-Treasurer Bad check charges | | | | $500 | $610 | 122% |
Fees-Treasurer Cert of purchase | | | | $1,000 | $560 | 56% |
Fees-Treasurer Cert of taxes due | | | | $40,000 | $32,448 | 81% |
Fees-Treasurer Delinquent tax coll | | | | $100 | | |
Fees-Treasurer Other Treas fees | | | | $800,000 | $802,175 | 100% |
Fees-Treasurer Premium on tax lien sales | | | | $25,000 | | |
Fees-Treasurer Tax collection comm | | | | $4,200,000 | $5,290,643 | 126% |
Fees-Treasurer Treasurer deeds | | | | $150 | $150 | 100% |
Food | $1,750 | $554 | 32% | | | |
Health insurance prem-Employer | $190,271 | $158,560 | 83% | | | |
Interest on investments | | | | $3,329,800 | $6,019,105 | 181% |
Investment advisory services | $55,000 | $80,586 | 147% | | | |
IT Purchases General | $1,000 | | | | | |
Life/AD&D Insurance/LTD | $3,480 | $2,822 | 81% | | | |
Maintenance Contracts | $1,000 | $1,094 | 109% | | | |
Medicare | $10,067 | $7,786 | 77% | | | |
Memberships and Dues | $1,500 | $1,050 | 70% | | | |
Misc Treasurer fees | $360,700 | $335,829 | 93% | | | |
Miscellaneous revenue | | | | $5,000 | $4,319 | 86% |
Office supplies | $2,000 | $700 | 35% | | | |
Operating supplies | $6,000 | $645 | 11% | | | |
Other Purchased Services | $15,000 | $15,100 | 101% | | | |
Reimb of postage | | | | $500 | $25 | 5% |
Social Security taxes | $43,046 | $33,293 | 77% | | | |
Software Services | $1,500 | | | | | |
Telephone services Misc | $1,200 | $908 | 76% | | | |
Treasurer commissions | $552,400 | $740,790 | 134% | | | |
Wages-overtime | $2,600 | | | | | |
Wages-regular | $691,691 | $561,696 | 81% | | | |
Workers' compensation | $725 | $519 | 72% | | | |
Total: | $2,043,408 | $2,027,506 | 99% | $8,407,350 | $12,150,862 | 145% |