Fiscal Year:
Classification | Budgeted Expenses | YTD Expenses | YTD % Spent | Budgeted Revenue | YTD Revenue | YTD % Received |
Capital Outlay | $9,216,237 | $4,000 | 0% | | | |
Charges for Service | | | | $31,157,788 | $1,715,986 | 6% |
Debt Service | $500 | | | | | |
Federal Grants | | | | $24,804,998 | $759,340 | 3% |
Grants non-Federal | | | | $10,879,431 | $237,006 | 2% |
Interfund Transfers In | | | | $22,633,763 | $1,314 | 0% |
Interfund Transfers Out | $2,883,000 | | | | | |
Intergovernmental | $7,708,651 | $889,456 | 12% | | | |
Internal Service Fees | $2,582,896 | | | | | |
Internal Service Revenue | | | | $21,043,219 | $1,683,614 | 8% |
Investment Earnings | | | | $4,565,239 | $154,831 | 3% |
Miscellaneous | $685,000 | | | $2,386,742 | $29,051 | 1% |
Property Tax | | | | $41,943,000 | | |
Rental | | | | $13,754,514 | $1,050,468 | 8% |
Salaries and Benefits | $46,118,009 | $2,187,842 | 5% | | | |
Sales and Other Tax | | | | $55,075,353 | $2,883,201 | 5% |
Services | $22,395,003 | $1,966,711 | 9% | | | |
Supplies | $2,821,112 | $184,684 | 7% | | | |
Treasurer fees | $486,000 | | | | | |
Total: | $94,896,408 | $5,232,693 | 6% | $228,244,047 | $8,514,811 | 4% |